For analysis of minisatellites the DNA of penguins digest (separately)
by endonucleases BsuRI, MvaI. After ethanol precipitation, DNA fragments
separate in 20 cm 1% agarose gel at 2 V/cm for 36 hour at room temperature
in TBE buffer and transfer to ny lon membrane Hybond-N by
electrotransfering in 25 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.5) for 2.5 hour with
forced cooling at 5-15oC. The transferred DNA fragment fixing at membranes
by heated for 2 hour at 80oC at vacuum.
Radioactive probe based on M13
phage obtain on phage M13 DNA by used specific primer, annealing near the
hypervariable region of the phage gene III with following synthesize by
Klenov fragment, alpha-P32 dCTP and "cold" dNTP. The second probe obtain by
tande m ligate of two self-complementary primers (which form tandem repeats
analogous of core sequences of 33.15 probe by A.Jeffreys) and clone it at
pUC19 vector.
The probe obtains by Klenov fragment with M13 sequences
primers. Membranes prehybridizated in buffer G (7% SDS, 1% BSA, 5mM EDTA,
50mM phosphate buffer, pH 6,5) for 18hour at 60oC.
After this,
radioactive probes add to filters and incubate solution for 24 hour at
60oC. After hybridisation filters wash twice by 5xSSC, 0,1% SDS
at room temperature, twice by 3xSSC.
After drying, they autoradiography with
X-raying films for 2-14 days.
The size of fragments on the DNA fingerprints
determine by comparison with the molecular weight markers - lambda/HindIII,
lambda/EcoRI, and M13mp18/ClaI and the control DNA sample. The distance from the
start to the centre of a marker band at the fingerprint is me asure. For
analysis of bands the fingerprint to divide into discrete segments
proceed from accuracy measurement detection the band position + 1 mm and
possible errors in determination of the size of fragments with different
molecular weights.
Binary matrices make and calculate by software package
GELSTATS by S. Pelikan and S.H. Rogstad. Following data obtain at the
output: summary stats on band number and frequency, results on similarity
(definition of similarity, permutation tests on similarities, mean between
group similarities), heterozygosity computations (estimating allele
frequenc ies, estimating heterozygosity, proportion loci polymorphic,
comparing heterozygosities, Fst according to Nei).
An authors express one's thanks to the INTAS for support of this research (INTAS project 01-0517).
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